As a life strategist in the order of Nathan the prophet, he carries a strong prophetic grace to know the mind of God over matters to bring deliverance, healing, miracles, and prosperity. He currently serves as the Lead Pastor of Jewel House Ministry and the host of prophetic Prayers Broadcast on social media.
Prophet Solace Ighofimoni was born on the 7th August 1971 at Warri Delta State, he holds a BSc in Geophysics from Ambrose Ali University Ekpoma Edo State, the southern part of Nigeria, a theological Degree and also a Doctorate Degree in theology in view.
He is an inspirational, revelatory teacher of God's word, a pastor, and largely a prophet by calling and ordained as one seated in the office of the Prophet by Prophet Dr. Bob Harding of Trinity Ministries International VA USA.
Prophet Solace Ighofimoni became born again 1986 at an early age, called into the ministry 1996 with a mission statement, "Tell My People I will turn their captivity" which took effect on 16th September 2007 after a year and six months praying together with brethren for the ministry to be birthed.
About The Ministry
Jewel House Ministry
is a prophetic church that's word based with an emphasis on the Christo centric message of the risen Christ. We believe that Jesus is God. The meaning of Jewel House is seen in Mal 3:16-18 and also where the vision statement was given to the visionary (Prophet Solace Ighofimoni) as an instruction by God.
We believe that two days will precede the coming of the Lord:
1. The day of His power psalm 110:3
2. That God will make up his jewels (priced possession) into His Jewel House when people's captivities are turned and they are decorated with jewels, glory and prosperity.
The ministry was started on 16th September 2007 with a commission statement "Tell My people I will turn their captivities".
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